Saturday, March 31, 2012

dslr // december eleven // sun kil moon | carry me ohio

sun kil moon is the brainchild of mark kozelek, formerly of red house painters. i guess the bands name was actually based on former south korean bantamweight boxer, sung-kil moon. "carry me ohio" is nine years old now, but it's difficult to think of the song as anything but timeless these days. with the relatively recent leak of "sunshine in chicago," (which will make an appearance here sooner than later) it only makes sense to remember n consider the groups roots. download this track via i'm waking up to, who, also, seem to be pretty classy dudez.

from their second album, tiny cities (entirely modest mouse covers), enjoy the video for "ocean breathes salty:"

Friday, March 30, 2012

dslr // march twelve // pop etc | everything is gone

moon love

the morning benders have reemerged with a new name and sound. as pop etc, the band released this super crazy mixtape for download via their website. old vs new vs acoustic vs synthetic vs tradition vs progression vs etc

in memoriam | the morning benders | promises:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

dslr // march twelve // julia holter | in the same room

julia holter (babe) is from echo park -- los angeles. she composes ballads drenched in sincerity and her fascination with the art and thought of the middle ages is reflected through her music. she's pretty tight. you can find more junk on julia by following the link to her website!

the video is for holter's "marienbad"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

dslr // march twelve // the black angels | i'd rather be lonely

i mentioned this song a couple days ago, had to put it up.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

dslr // march twelve // solander | the garden

i don't have much to say about solander. they're a group from sweden, they've made nice songs n this album was released last year, at some point. song is good, download it via our friends at bestnewtracks.

Monday, March 26, 2012

dslr // march twelve // the black angels | bad vibrations

to celebrate the upcoming release of their new 7", "watch out boy" b/w "i'd rather be lonely" (april twenty-first) i thought i'd throw up some older black angels. based on this, the texas found band seems to have made a significant creative departure from their past work. "i'd rather be lonely," can't stop, won't stop.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

dslr // march twelve // best coast | the only place

we don't have the oceans, beaches or sun. i've always been an apprehensive fan of bethany cosentino's best coast but be it the weather, mood or the perpetual evolution of her vocals, i can't help but like the first single "the only place" from her upcoming second full length album. download here via bestnewtracks.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

dslr // march twelve // paul cary | the curse of china bull

that is that and this is this

Friday, March 23, 2012

dslr // march twelve // lotus plaza | strangers

lockett pundt of deerhunter fame is the nice man behind the solo project: lotus plaza. the floodlight collective, his first lp was released back in march of 2009, but more recently there's "strangers" from his upcoming lp,”spooky action at a distance." yessz! download thanks to the folks at bestnewtracks.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

dslr // march twelve // danny brown | grown up

born n raised in detroit, michigan, danny brown has been releasing mixtapes for years. one of his more notable releases was 2010's the hybrid. he's worked with endless talent n evidently promotes underground acts through his twitter. "grown up" is nostalgia. download via gorillavsbear.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

dslr // march twelve // clams casino | moon and stars | instrumental

clams casino posted this track (free) on his tweeter machine a couple days back. i've been listening to it hourly since. pitchfork reports, it seems to be a rework of big k.r.i.t's "moon and stars" from his k.r.i.t wuz here mixtape which was put out a couple years back. click that pitchfork link for a free download.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

dslr // march twelve // haim | better off

haim is three stealthy sisters (babes). neither five minutes of internet research nor myself have any interesting information to shed on these little ladies. what i do know is this song rules and the rest of their forever ep is just as eighties. trade your idiot email for a free download of forever via their site.

Monday, March 19, 2012

dslr // february nine // widowspeak | wicked game | chris isaac cover

what a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you

from their self titled album, widowspeak: "harsh realm"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

dslr // march twelve // chairlift | guilty as charged

hands n feet, let's go

chairlift, currently of brooklyn, new york is a three piece band who's been around since 2006, when founders aaron pfenning and caroline polachek met while going to school at the university of colorado. then they were part of an ipod campaign n got hella rich -- rightfully so. check out their myspace for tour dates n additional tracks!

and if i gave you what you asked for, you wouldn't want it anymore so i won't

Saturday, March 17, 2012

dslr // march twelve // the war on drugs | baby missiles

philadelphia's the war on drugs' history goes back as far as 2003 when band creators adam granduciel and kurt vile met at was probably a pretty stupid party. a couple years down the road, the band roster would fall into place and by 2005 the war on drugs were freal. they're currently touring with sharon van etten (uhhh) and have a show in los angeles on the twentieth (next tuesday) and san francisco the following night! for full tour dates / venues, read this blog they like having.

you're welcome thank you please. "come to the city," another killer:

Friday, March 16, 2012

dslr // march twelve // jackie wilson | lonely teardrops | live

jackie wilson (born detroit, michigan, 1934) is credited as one of the first artists to manage the jump from r&b to pop, paving the way for future black performers. "lonely teardrops" released in 1958, was his greatest radio success and in 1987, he was indicted into the rock and roll hall of fame, three years after his death. gj. he also had a good (read: dynamic multi-octave tenor) voice, like ke$ha.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

dslr // march twelve // wild belle | keep you

<a href="//"></a>

wild belle is chicago's, natalie (babe) and elliot bergman. they played sxsw this year and will be touring alongside tennis next month! the duo's "take me away" (the second track off the self-titled digital split) can be streamed here via their soundcloud account - listen, is best.

also, from last year: natalie bergman (velvette) performing "mrs. franklin"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

mp3 // photo | neon indian | twin shadow rework | hex girlfriend

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

dslr // march twelve // king tuff | bad thing

<a href="//"></a>

update: download king tuff's "bad thing" here via subpop.

Monday, March 12, 2012

dslr // march twelve // perfume genius | hood

<a href="//"></a>

Sunday, March 11, 2012

dslr // twelve // bobby womack | please forgive my heart

<a href="//"></a>

all i ever wanted was everything and now i'm being hunted by these dreams

Saturday, March 10, 2012

dslr // march twelve // clams casino | swervin'

<a href="//"></a>

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

dslr // march twelve // frankie rose | night swim

<a href="//"></a>

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

dslr // february twelve // ifan dafydd | no good

<a href="//"></a>

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

dslr // february twelve // beach house | myth

<a href="//"></a>

Monday, March 5, 2012

dslr // march twelve // sam cooke | cupid

<a href="//"></a>

Sunday, March 4, 2012

dslr // march twelve // shlohmo | rained the whole time | nicolas jaar rework

<a href="//"></a>

Saturday, March 3, 2012

dslr // march twelve // evian christ | payo rent

<a href="//"></a>