mp3 // photo set | naomi punk | burned body

we had the privilege of seeing olympia's
naomi punk the other night at portland's
bunk bar. these guys are on some next level shit, utilizing and simultaneously destroying a grunge format that's been around for decades. seemingly relentless, methodical and paced thrashes inevitably surrender to delicately refined and cathartic melodies, only to return once more to the steady pulse of surging drums and crunchy strings. it's a formula that's thoroughly rewarding for those with even the slightest of attention spans. the trio released
the feeling - their debut lp - on vinyl back in april of last year and were later picked up by
captured tracks, which eventually saw the release of a cd rendition back in november. give the breakout single "burned body" a stream above and (right click, save link as)
download here. also check out the photo set from the show below.