stream | dead ghosts | when it comes to you

it's dumped rain for the past four days up here. on the three minute walk to popeyes we hit a patch of sun, existing in a moment alongside a prevailing downpour. the warmth alone was enough to incite an involuntary smile; a three minute window of reprieve—just like this little jam. super dope segue. we featured
dead ghost's "roky said"
a couple months back and have been running their second full-length
can't get no on the reg. but to forego mention of their
2010 debut self-titled album entirely, would be a disservice to the canadian jammers and you guys alike. "when it comes to you" is lighthearted, jangly, rock and roll at its finest, often conjuring parallels to the likes of
king khan and the bbq show. dirty, crashing symbols, cathartic twangy riffs and the colorfully distorted vocals of eras passed is what
dead ghosts do best and this track is no exception. stream one of many great joints from the bands first full-length above.
previously on butyouwould: dead ghosts »