stream | dent may | born too late

the new infectious ditty out of the tirelessly charismatic
dent may, "born too late," first showed up on our radar about a week back. since then, the track's proven it has the staying power to persevere beyond the would-be honeymoon phase and we're still diggin it big time. the debut single from august
27's forthcoming
warm blanket full-length (via
animal collective's
paw tracks) is a real charmer with breakdowns funky enough to get a frickin corpse vibin while may's familiarly authentic and refreshing vocal stylings soar above cathartic melodies and relatively subtle brass. it might also be worth mentioning that may wrote, produced and recorded the album himself out of
his allegedly haunted victorian home in st augustine, florida. in keeping with this summer theme business, "born too late," is great for an out back evening bbq with the buds and babes. give it a stream above and throw some cheeseburgers on the grill for us while you're at it.
previously on butyouwould: dent may »